Prevent Edge desktop shortcut CSP-style

If you are synchronizing your Windows 10 with OneDrive and reinstalling the computer a couple of times you will notice you have multiple Microsoft Edge shortcuts on the desktop.

This is the CSP way to prevent Edge from creating a desktop shortcut.

First, fire up the device management portal (I prefer to use this instead of, since there are some minor issues)

Create a new Custom Configuration profile for Windows 10 and later

edge 2019-01-03_09-46-35

Click Add to add an OMI-URI row and fill in the information

edge 2019-01-03_10-19-37


ADMX Ingest (can be anything)



Data type:


Data Value:

<policyDefinitions revision=”1.0″ schemaVersion=”1.0″>
<target prefix=”windowscustom” namespace=”Windowscustom.deploywindows” />
<using prefix=”windows” namespace=”Microsoft.Policies.Windows” />
<resources minRequiredRevision=”1.0″ />
<category name=”C_Edge” displayName=”$(string.C_Edge_category)”/>
<policy name=”DisableEdgeDesktopShortcutCreation” class=”Machine” displayName=”$(string.L_DisableEdgeDesktopShortcutCreation)” explainText=”$(string.L_DisableEdgeDesktopShortcutCreation_help)” key=”SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer” valueName=”DisableEdgeDesktopShortcutCreation”>
<parentCategory ref=”C_Edge” />
<supportedOn ref=”windows:SUPPORTED_Windows10″ />
<decimal value=”1″ />
<decimal value=”0″ />

Again click Add to add an OMI-URI row and fill in the information

edge 2019-01-03_10-19-07


DisableEdgeDesktopShortcutCreation (can be anything)



Data type:


Data Value:


Create the profile and now it is time for some assignments.

You could do the easy one choose to just deploy to All Devices, but I will choose the same group I have for Autopilot assignment.

edge 2019-01-03_10-10-10

Important note here, it’s important to choose a group with devices and not users, since you want this to apply before userlogon and during Autopilot and ESP/Enrollment Status Page

After autopilot and userlogon, a nice and clean desktop and registry setting is set

edge 2019-01-03_11-02-40

As always, you will find the necessary ADMX/ADML files on GitHub

[Updated 2019-01-08: added the data value for ingest]



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2 responses to “Prevent Edge desktop shortcut CSP-style”

  1. Thanks for the post. I found an error in your configuration. The initial ADMX install uri should be: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/ConfigOperations/ADMXInstall/Windows/Policy/WindowsCustomizationsAdmx without the ./Device. This tripped me up for a bit. Once I made that change the setting applied perfectly.


    1. Actually, I was mistaken. I ended up making two changes at the same time XD. I think the fix actually came from copy and pasting the ADMX data from the github repository. The quotation marks were screwy when I copied the ADMX data directly from this webpage.

      Liked by 2 people

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